Our Services

You're Not Alone

Embarking on a journey into Cloud Computing can be a daunting prospect. It's an emerging and fast changing technology that most people are trying to understand, even people within the technology community. Many organisations will be cautious about moving towards this technology as there will be a lot of unknowns to them. This is where we at 3rd Cloud can help. We have expertise and experience in working in the charity sector as technologists not only running technology infrastructures but also playing an integral part in their transformations to The Cloud. Our About us page has information about what we have done and how we can help your organisation on its journey into Someone climbing up a ladder to a cloud, being helped by someone else The Cloud.

3rd Cloud is here to help 3rd Sector organisations answer their questions about The Cloud. We can talk organisations through complex issues such as security and data protection. Providing them with the assurance that they require to travel into The Cloud and beyond!

If you have any questions concerning The Cloud and how 3rd Cloud can help your organisation in its journey into this exciting and efficient approach to your IT infrastructure, use our contact us form to get in touch and we can take your first steps with you.


Guiding 3rd Sector organisations on their journey into The Cloud is a really important element of our work. Also as we are technologists at heart we love building stuff and are actively building solutions that we believe could be really useful to the sector.

3rd Cloud is currently in the process of developing a solution for the 3rd Sector that will help them extract the maximum value from the data that they retain, with minimal effort. Our experience has been that many organisations hold a lot of data in multiple locations and formats. This often leads to A group of developers around a computer discussing codefrustration and confusion as not everyone in the organisation knows where the data they need resides or that it even exists. The result of this is that data is under utilised, which is unfortunate, as data is crucial to any organisation. It is key to providing an insight into where they are and what they to do in order to achieve their goals.

By using the capabilities The Cloud has on offer, particularly the services available from AWS, we are building a data lake solution that will enable 3rd Sector organisations to safely and securely put data, as is, into a pot and extract meaningful and useful information. Our aim is for you to easily access and view the information that is important to you, your funders and your beneficiaries. Watch this space for updates and information on this product.

Bespoke Solutions

If your organisation is in a position where you need a bespoke IT system we are here for you. As experienced developers we can work with you to specify, design and build a solution to suit your needs.

A group of people brain storming The process of delivering a bespoke solution can be a long and complicated one. We truly believe that through honest and co-operative team work with you, the process of building IT systems can be as pain free as possible.

As the process of delivering bespoke IT systems is complex there will always be unforeseen problems to resolve and surprise functionalities that need to be added. We know from experience that as a team, a team that includes both clients and developers, we need to be flexible and up front about such things and work together to bring about achievable solutions that meet the organisation's requirements.